sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014


This entry begins with a dramatization of the poem of Rafael Alberti, 'Pleamar'.

The issue I want to address is passion. The first time I became aware of the importance of passion for any activity that we develop in life was in music class in 3rd of ESO. I remember one fellow who was not of the most brilliant neither sharp in classes, radically changed its attitude in music classes taught by don Miguel. From being a passive and confused student, he became the most attentive and interested when Don Miguel taught us. This teacher loved music and teaching alike, and so he transmitted it. And my partner, who is currently a great musician, he understood that passion, that motivated him without paragon.
The dance seen in the video makes me think that a good artist, whether poet, musician, dancer ... must be passionate about their art, just as a good teacher should be passionate about teaching and learning.

I recommend this blog entry, which discusses the passion in teaching.


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